Well I thought I'd mention gatekeeping as I noted that Mr Flack had mentioned it in a comment on this blog today. For those of you who are unclear what I we mean when we say "gatekeeping", I quote from the
Shelter website who sum it up in a nutshell, "Gatekeeping is the name generally given where a council refuses to accept a homelessness application and/or provide interim accommodation where they have a duty to do so."
Whilst every council I know will deny that they gatekeep
, in my experience
all councils gatekeep to keep their homelessness applications down. This gatekeeping approach has always existed to a certain extent since I have worked in homelessness, but has now grown to be the norm in all cases rather than the odd case
. The law is being broken on a daily basis across the country and unless you are an applicant who is aware of what the legislation says or have sought independent advice you will be a victim of this!
I was going to give examples of where I have personal knowledge of this, but whilst drafting this post I came across a number of articles online from the past few years and somehow think that you, dear reader, will be able to look through them and decide if a blind eye is being turned to this issue by government
rather than having me tell you my view of it
. I've placed the links below in a roughly chronological order
13th June 2005
website report on the falling homelessness figures and SHELTERS comments on them
12th April 2006
Letter from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
, who then gad the responsibility for housing matters, to all Local Authorities regarding "Gatekeeping"
and comment from Homelessness Link on the letter
31st August 2008 Article in the
22th March 2009
Inside Housing reports on the fall on on homelessness applications
So who thinks that Gatekeeping is going on?