Wednesday 2 July 2008

Have you ever had one of those days?

Today was one of those days that make me want to grab a client or two and shake them them until I see reality appear in their eyes. Harsh I hear one or two of you shout from the back rows (or the cheap seats as I call them). Maybe if I lay out a few of the cases I dealt with today then you can see where my frustration comes from. I was on duty seeing walk in cases today, these are new or existing cases that we have accepted a duty too. Things were going nicely till about 10am, I'd managed to help someone with problems with a medical condition who required a transfer to more suitable accommodation, managed to get my second mug of coffee of the morning and I was feeling that all was fine in the world. Now stop chuckling I can hear you, I can't help being an optimist! I was called to the front desk as another client had arrived. I'm not 100% certain but I might have headed out to see them humming something like "What a wonderful world". The client (who was a single person aged 17) had been offered temporary accommodation and wished to refuse it because it didn't have a garden. Well I explained the consequences of refusual, that they could sign up and seek a review of the suitability. I asked why they thought they should have a garden and was told it was their right! I explained politely that wasn't the case, and got told yes it was under European law. Again I told them that wasn't the case. Then to make matters worse the clients mother came in to the interview cubicle. The mother then started saying if there child had come from abroad then they would get a place with a garden. As my good mood was still upon me, I again explained what would happen if they refused the offer or they could sign up and move in and seeek a review. But by know the client and their mother wouldn't listen. I offered to give the client a 24 hour period and got told to do something that would be anatomically impossible even if I was a a contortionist! And the client stormed off out of the building. A little while later I saw a client who we had made a not homeless decision on as they had accommodation in UK that was reasonable and available for them. I explained the decision to them. They accepted that the facts were correct in the section 184 letter but they said that they wanted to rent out their other property and wanted a council place to live in and it was their right to have a council house. I explained that wasn't the case (though by now my good mood was disappearing faster than Labour in the popularity polls). I explained that the client could seek a review so they said that they wanted to, I again pointed out that they had agreed with all the information in the decision letter. I was rather astonished when they said they hadn't, I pointed that they had I had noted it on their file. The client then became very very abusive and insisted on seeing my manager. I got my manager and the client then proceeded to insist that all the officers they had seen in our officer were liars and that the decision was all wrong. My manager and I then spent the next hour going through our investigations with them and what they had said at previous interviews and showed them documentation that we had obtained. The client asked to see the documentation, we passed over the documents and both my manager and I were astounded when the client grabbed the documents and run out of the office with them. Bearing in mind we had only given the client photocopies we nearly wet ourselves laughing


Ethan said...

..I think a moment of silence is required here..............followed by me wetting myself with laughter too..God social housing is weird!

Anonymous said...

I really love the runner.

Don't even get me started on the enquiries and would-be clients that we reject. I think my favourite was someone wanting to bring a harassment claim because 'council officers were hiding behind the wheelie bin and re-arranging her kitchen while she was out',(clearly had mental health issues, but it was the idea of pleading harassment by tidying up that appealed) that and the would be human rights case, to be brought on the basis that she was psychic and the council had failed to stop her being evicted by her private landlord because of it.

House said...

Hehe good post but could do with some paragraphs :)

Got to love the council house demanding pregnant, racist, teenagers armed with their note from mum (who also happens to live in a council house) saying that because teenager is pregnant they can't live in their home anymore...

It was going well with a client today when they were explaining to the council officer that they couldn't afford to pay their Housing benefit shortfall until they mentioned they couldn't live without sky.

Smoking Gun said...

Well I once had a client who was being evicted for mortgage arrears.
As I went through his and his wifes income it became clear that they could have afforded the mortgage repayments if only they had stopped paying out for three of their children to go to private schools!