One of the greatest frustrations I encounter in doing my job is getting Social Services to assist by doing an assessment of a clients needs. Social Services appear to not understand why an assessment is needed if we are providing the client with accommodation. Even my managers (who I have been known to moan about), are frustrated trying to get Social Services to accept their duty. In my view all 16/17 year olds should have an assessment by social services to see what services can be offered to them. Whilst the issued Homelessness strategy in any Authority I've worked paid lip service to joined up working between council departments this just doesn't happen.
And before anyone mentions it yes I do mention R (On The Application of M) (Fc) V London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham decision to Social Services!
Also found a site which also has some views on this subject
A Parcel of Rogues
11 years ago
A dangerous approach by your social services - just begging for repeated judicial reviews. Oh the legal costs.
You are quite right on the 16/17 year olds, by the way.
Trouble is that most 16/17 year olds don't know about their legal rights!
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